Tuesday the 17th of November sees a special night for those of you with an artistic side. Taking place in Furey's Pub, Sligo at 8pm the Drink and Draw club will offer people a chance to socialize and sketch at the same time.
The Drink and Draw Social Club was founded out of mutual love of socializing, drinking and drawing by Dave Johnson, Jeff Johnson and Dan Panosian.
Drawing on napkins, menus, wallsand sometimes even a sketchbook or two, this informal group huddles around the tables and booths of pubs and taverns for the unusual camradarie that it promises to bring.
The club started in America and has spread out across the country, with Drink and Draw clubs cropping up in San Diego, LA, New York Miami and more recently spreading to England and Cork City.
The club started in America and has spread out across the country, with Drink and Draw clubs cropping up in San Diego, LA, New York Miami and more recently spreading to England and Cork City.
The evening invites artists and non-artists of all levels to participate. Simply bring sketchbooks, pencils and a willingness to sketch or doodle as you chat and drink.
This event has been organised by Wayne O' Connor and supported by SLAM! “In the same way that musicians jam, Readers form book clubs and writers have creative writing workshops, this evening invites anyone to draw and share ideas or inspiration” says Wayne “while at the same time soaking up the atmosphere and having a few drinks in a pub environment”. All are welcome*
Log on to the founders website at http://www.drinkanddraw.com/ for more information.
Log on to the founders website at http://www.drinkanddraw.com/ for more information.
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